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Ireland International Matches
Canada drew with Ireland
1 Day, Toronto, 1 September 1888
Derek Scott

This return match was arranged when the first match ended in two days although scheduled for three. It was not taken very seriously, Hynes and JP Fitzgerald bowling only 37 overs out of 91 bowled. Maxwell kept wicket and E Fitzgerald bowled 13 overs. In the Canadian team TSC Saunders replaced PC Goldingham. Jones and DW Saunders, opening for Canada, both made 20 and Stratton, at No. 3, made 44. Gillespie made 26 but Hynes quickly finished off the tail and his 4 for 46 made him the most successful bowler.

Hynes and Maxwell began for Ireland and scored well. Godwin replaced Gillespie after the latter had bowled 9 overs. The new bowler got both opening batsmen. Dunn got 12 but Ogden caused a complete collapse of the middle order with his medium paced bowling. Cronin got another nought and JP Fitzgerald and Meldon held out until close of play at 65 for 7. Ogden in 23 overs had taken 5 for 26.

Toronto was very hospitable to the visitors and there were banquets and dances. The Irish costume was much admired. There were white coats with green shamrocks on the pockets (supplied by Phillips and Healy of Dame Street) green silk caps and sashes!

After one further match v XV of Hamilton the Canadian part of the tour ended. It had been very successful with three wins and three draws. The arrangements by Mr Lindsey (who had managed the Canadians in Britain in 1887) were excellent. The heat affected the whole team with 2 exceptions and the sick list was always large but everyone enjoyed himself "even Gillman and Maxwell who deem it undignified to participate in such frivolous amusements as dancing and the like! The girls are grand but terrible flirts." Niagara was visited en route to Pittsburgh and special clothes were donned to go under the Falls.